Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Paging the The Tooth Fairy

Clean up on aisle 3 ...

On Sunday, Dad and I were playing in the living room, and I had a hold of the wretched Cow that was the object of my wrath at that particular moment. Dad gave my Cow a tug and out popped one of my canine teeth. The look on Pop's face was priceless! Mummy scooped up the tooth for her collection ... she muttered something about a charm bracelet ... I, however, was far too involved in giving Cow what-for ... so back to the business at hand.

Later that afternoon as I was coming in from my walk, I grabbed the leash with my mouth ... and out popped another tooth ... this one, a molar. Another gem for Mum's collection, I s'pose. Monday, I lost two more (both molars). If I keep this up, I'll be back on pablum!

Here's something I didn't know ... further research indicates that baby teeth are classified as deciduous. And I thought that term only applied to trees ...

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