Friday, June 19, 2009

Boy's Night Out

Last night was Mummy's Bunko night, so it fell to Dad to take me on my walk. I guess you can call it Boy's Night Out.

In spite of the very mild Spring we have been experiencing, the last couple of days have been incredibly hot. So Dad, thoughtful guy that he is, took a sports bottle full of ice water with us on our journey. I am wearing a fur coat, and we don't want me to get overheated ...

During the course of our walk, we'd stop along the way so that I could have a drink. First, Dad tried to squirt the water in my mouth ... I didn't think much of that approach. So then he tried squirting a little water in his hand. I'm thinking to myself ... yeah ... umm ... no ... I'm not drinking that ...

Finally, we hit paydirt. Dad nestled the top of the sports bottle in a tuft of grass, then filled it with water. A couple of refills of the water and I'm good to go. Oh yeah ... Giggity.

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