Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sicker Than the Proverbial Dog ...

I'm guest blogging because Cluny has a bug and has been sick ... sick ... sick.

I don't know if it was something he ate or what ... but he had been out of commission since Jeff picked him up at the groomer's yesterday. Cluny was up a couple of times last night, and we were up pretty early this morning outside (in a gentle shower), hosing out his kennel, and spit-bathing my little buddy, too.

As of this evening, he seems to have turned the corner ... his appetite is returning. Due to the sensitive tummy, he's only had a small amount of plain yogurt today. He's cruised by his dish a couple of times this evening, looking forlorn when, alas, it's still empty.

We are trying to stave off dehydration ... so he's had lots and lots of ice cubes. It's a real hoot to see him toss his head back and chew up the cube. And in my effort to avoid the melted ice puddle that can shock the casual passerby who happens to step into the inevitable ice floe, I have attempted to play a game ... enticing him to eat the ice cube.

This is what I learned today ... Jeff is 22 and it's been a really long time since I was up all night with a sick baby ... I am definitely out of practice.

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