Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Nana and Opa are in town for a visit .. and day 1 of their vacay was the Tour d'Lincoln. This was a chance for us to visit some of our favorite places around town ... so I've included a pictorial essay of today's travels ...

Here we are at the start of our day ... this is Nana's new ride!

And here I am on the arm of the sofa ... catching up on some much needed rest.

The first stop today was the new location for the Quilted Kitty ... me thinks this stop was more for the benefit of mummy ... than, say ... Opa. I don't think Opa is big on fabric shopping.

All the while, I was taking a nap in my kennel.

Next up .. Euphoria. This is a great place for tie dyes and the like ... Great gargoyle, huh?
I found a comfortable resting place under the recliner.
Oh Boy!! Lunch at the Grateful Bread ... Santa Fe Chowder, Red Lentil Soup ... and the cheese scones are awesome!

But by this time, I was too exhausted ... I required a nap in the den ...

After lunch, we stopped at the shop a few doors down, Bohdi Imports. Opa found himself a dandy hat ...

But after an a full and exhausting day, I found myself in desparate need of a snoozle ...
Ahh, Wednesdays ... I'm all in ...

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