Friday, December 24, 2010
A Very Cluny Christmas
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
My Own Personal Rube Goldberg Solution ...
You see, in my world there is the cold hard reality of the Scottie condition ...
There are the occasions when I could really use a napkin … after dinner, a drink, or rooting around in the back yard. But as I am devoid of thumbs, I’m at somewhat of a loss. Therefore, I have to be a bit more resourceful, hence the Goldberg reference. I have discovered that the dining room carpet has all the absorbent properties I require to meet my needs.
So with front legs folded and tush up in the air, I can propel myself forward like a front end loader. Add to that a sideways tilt of the head, and I am at just the proper angle to wipe my face. More recently, I have added a side-to-side sweeping maneuver to address my shaggy beard.
Problem solved …
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Halloween!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Scared Scots Project ...
The first couple of days, I played it pretty cool. I spent quite a bit of time, just hanging out, cooling my jets, when I hear the garage door open, that's my signal to head for the 'safety' and 'security of my kennel. Mom and Dad ... well, they pretty much think I've been there all day !
On Monday, first Mom, then Dad headed out the door, as usual, to do whatever it is they do all day ... Then it's my time to find whatever mischief suits my fancy. With Halloween approaching, I think I'll call this episode of the Naughty Scotty ... The Blair Witch Project. I created these heaps of twigs and left them in conspiculous places for the folks to find upon their return.
Unfortunately, I did not count on one teeny tiny detail ... Dad was still home. And he caught me ... red-pawed.
And now I'm in the corner ...
Friday, October 15, 2010
The New Adventures of Itchy and Scratchy
It hasn't rained in a couple of weeks ... so the pollen is pretty bad. Dad says he feels like he's covered in a fine ... ahem ... coating. But seriously ... we are quite a pair ... sneezing ... scratching ... sniffling.
Mom likes to act like Nurse Ratchet as she stands in the kitchen and conducts roll call ... awaiting the imminent arrival of the Benadryl brothers ...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Something a Little Out of the Ordinary ...
Last week, Jeff and I decided that we were going to start transitioning Cluny from his kennel and allowing him a little latitude ... we thought we would turn him into sort of a 'free range' Scottie.
We thought we'd start small ... so when we ran out on a quick errand, we left the door to his kennel open. Upon our return, we found Cluny in his house ... just waiting for us.
So the next time we left him alone, it was the same story ... we came home to find him sitting in his kennel, waiting for us to tell him it was okay to come out. He's behaved
This afternoon as I was preparing to leave, I gave Cluny a cookie and bade him farewell ... He just stood there in the kitchen with a look on his face that I can only describe as confused. Was he trying to tell me that I'd forgotten something? "Ahem ... Mother ... see me ... here in the kitchen ... not in my house ... In.The.Kitchen ..."
As I write this ... Cluny is lying next to me ... knocked out! Does this mean that he's been wide awake all day ... and therefore, missing the endless hours of sleep that he usually enjoys while we are away. Is he nervous and angsty because he thinks he has been unintentionally left unsupervised? Which got me to thinking ... what happens after I shut the garage door to go?
What I wouldn't give for a Cluny-Cam !
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Stranger Danger
We rarely walk the same path every day, and although I’ve trod by the houses on either side of ours more times than I could recount, I always stop to smell a few of the choicest spots on this, the most regular part of our route. Fortunately, we like to mix it up, and the tangle of streets throughout our neighborhood provides a never ending array of options.
It’s the occasional passerby that will often cause me to literally stop in my tracks … bat ears perked up on high alert. Yesterday was one such occasion. Mom and I had set out on our walk right after she got home … (and by the way, where does she go all day? That’s probably a subject for another day …) … we’d made it three or four houses … when I saw another dog and his walker approach … so I sat down … which in turn causes mom to pull up short. Mom, in her effort to persuade me back up on my feet will give me a slight tug on the lead … I respond by taking one, yes, one step forward ... Mom gives me a another tug ... one more tiny step forward and then I will likely take my seat. No amount of coaxing and cajoling will make me move till I’m ready …
Once I do decide that the approaching stranger provides no imminent danger … I will approach quickly and then slowly and then quickly … like a preteen at their first dance. Other times, I prefer the view from the safe confines between mom’s ankles … and it’s from there, I will quickly dart forward and back ... coyly flirting but not quite giving in. It's usually a quick chuck under my chin and we are on our way ...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Low Down on Scotties of Reknown ...

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Mr Cluny's Opus ...
I've been known to nap throughout the day ... sometimes I'm on the sofa, sometimes I'm in the office, and sometimes you can find me in my house. When the most recent snooze has come to a satisfactory conclusion, and it's time for me to rise and shine ... I will let loose with a melodious bleat that accompanies a particularly gratifying stretch.
Often the prospect of dinner will elicit a series of low, guttural grunts akin to Hollywood's romanticized version of the reanimated Franken Terrier.
And on occasion, I will bark at a phantom ... Mom and Dad refer to this outburst as random barking day.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
That new ball smell ...
Tempt me with the 'invincible' stuffed animal ... nope. Taunt me with a Canine Hardware durable frisbee ... think again. Puppy kong ... yeah, I ate mine.
The coping technique has evolved to include Internet searches and discussions with folks at the pet store. Each and every inquiry results in the next latest and greatest toy that cannot be destroyed by one, 20lb-Scottish Terrorist ... I mean, Terrier.
It's not even that I am that fond of my toys ... I just don't want anyone else to have them either. You can count on me to herd my assorted baubles away from anyone who just might happen to take an interest and who, in turn, then might endeavor to engage me in a game of fetch.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
It was a dark and stormy night ...
Summer is waning, which means there hasn't been much rain lately, but the promise of a late summer storm is in the air tonight. Mom and I were outside watching Dad as he was balanced on the railing of the deck, scooping a few leaves out of a clogged gutter. Wielding the rake handle and the hose, Dad was trying to dislodge a clump of sticks and leaves. That's when we saw the crack of the lighting, followed pretty quickly by a clap of thunder.
My old man has always pretty been quick on the uptake ... he decided that standing in a thunderstorm with an antenna was not exactly the fate he wanted to tempt, not tonight. We all decided to pack it in, and we'll just worry about the clogged gutter tomorrow.
Friday, August 27, 2010
The trouble with tribbles ...
I have developed a method to deal with these unwelcome visitors. When the time comes for me to take that final stroll .... Mom and I will exit the back door, save for the cast of the porch light it's very dark. Until the motion sensor on the deck stairs is tripped, the backyard remains shrouded in darkness. The sensors aim is off for me but Mummy can set it off as she approaches. Once tripped, the light can bathe part of the area in light. But even then, I still cannot see the darker corners. The moment the light turns on, I will race down the stairs and approach the furthest, darkest corner ... that place where the bunny can usually be found. A favored spot where he seems to have worn a low-spot under the fence as he traverses fearlessly between my own house and the house next door.
With the confidence of a hardened warrior, I approach this spot in the yard and although I may have missed my chance today ... one day I will catch that cottontail.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A is for Allergies ...
B is for Back of my neck ... that's where I got my shot
C is for the Cortisone shot to help with the itchy-ness
D is for Doggone ... and
E is for Ears ... my Doggone Ears are itchy
F is for Canis familiaris, Latin for dog dander ... surely I'm not allergic to that!
G is for Good Boy ... I was a good boy and behaved myself while on the exam table
H is for Healthy ... I may be scratching them, but my ears are healthy
I is for Itchy ears ... 'nuff said
J is for Juice ... which is what they put in my ears
K is for Kantankerous ... I don't believe that is spelled korrectly
L is for Lick ... I lick my paws when they itch
M is for Mama ... who took me to the Vet
N is for Nap ... done with the Vet and now I need a nap
O is for Oticbiotic Ointment ... I have ointment to help relieve the itching
P is for Perfect... that the word Dr D used to describe the inside of my ears
Q is for Q-Tip ... which I would use if I had thumbs
R is for Roadtrip ... the ride in the car to see Dr D.
S is for Scratch, Scratch, Scratch ... the impetus for the roadtrip
T is for Tired ... these roadtrips take a lot out of me and I'm tired
U is for Uncomfortable ... this is how I have been feeling
V is for Vet ... I got to see my Vet, Dr Donovan today
W is for Weigh In ... I got on the scale and I weigh 21 pounds
X is for X-Ray ... I didn't need that ...
Y is for Yawn ... No more yawning, now that Mom can sleep
Z is for zzzz ... Mom can get a good night's sleep and I won't wake her up with the scratching ...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Peter Secada Cicada ...
As a recovering helicopter mom, she rarely leaves me to my own device, but on the occasional Saturday, she will let me out of her sight for a few minutes. Today was that day ...
I'd been outside when Mom peeked through the kitchen window long enough to see me sniffing around in the grass ... she was probably thinking I was simply rooting around for yard-bage. A few minutes later, when she looked again, I was still nosing around in the the same spot. Big surprise, she was by my side in a flash to see what I was up to.
I'd been found out ... she sees that I've discovered a cicada, and I was amusing myself by holding it hostage. Stick in the mud that she is, Mom liberated the cicada by shooing me back allowing the cicada to flit off and skirt danger ... but then there's me ... hot on his tail. Mom tends to approach these situations by merely removing me from the offending circumstance, so when I wouldn't let the little creature alone, Mom picked me and took me up the stairs, intent on distracting me with breakfast.
But there was just one fatal flaw in her plan ... the moment she put me down, as elastic as a steel spring, I raced across the deck, down the stairs, and across the yard in pursuit of my prey.
Alas, by then my quarry had slipped away ...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tuesdays with Mommy ...
When I wake up, I like to roll over onto my back, which results in a tummy scratching and then I stretch. Mom will pick me up ... since I can't get off the bed without a little help … and when she puts me down, a couple more stretches. At the top of the stairs, I like to put my two front paws on the second riser, which pushes my tookus into the air and there is some more stretching … When it’s particularly satisfying, I’ll let out a hoot to let you know just how good it is.
Then, if I'm not really feeling it, I’ll sit at the top of the stairs … I like Mom to really sell me on the idea of coming downstairs. Once she's made an adequate case for coming downstairs and going outside, I like to visit the low spots by the fence where my friend the bunny comes and goes. Then I check under the squirrel feeder ... just in case there might be some tasty bite for me. After completing my appointed rounds ... I'll head back up the steps.
That's about the time breakfast arrives … I’ll cruise by my bowl to make sure that the morning offering meets with my approval. Some days I'll have breakfast with Mom and other days, I'll wait and have breakfast with Dad ... but then some days I prefer to have my meal served up in the kennel ... we like to call this 'breakfast in bed’.
I also really like Dad's office days … when Dad serves up that second cup of coffee, it’s time to head to ‘work’ and I'm ready to go. Once I'm 'at work', I like to sleep in various places in the office, but I prefer the knee hole of Dad's desk … right between the sidewall of the desk and the chair with my chin on top of Dad's foot. *I* am an excellent office companion ... that is ... unless it’s random barking day … then I’ll bark at nothing until I get tired of that when it's time for my next nap.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Marco ... Polo ... Marco ... Polo... Marco

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
All Dogs Go To Heaven ...
We learned just yesterday that Forsberg Newman had inoperable cancer, and Melissa, Eric and EJ had to make the difficult decision to let him go. He was a wonderful friend and companion ... he was dearly loved and will be greatly missed.
Rest well old friend ...

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Yankee Doodle Dandy ... My Foot
Friday, July 2, 2010
Faster Than the Speed of Cluny
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
There Was an old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
I dunno know why she swallowed that fly,
I guess she'll die ...
Racing through the house at top speed ... pulling up short to growl or bark ... to the casual observer, I'm barking at nothing.
But you would be uninformed.
We had a fly in the house ... a really loud fly ... and it was my job to make short work of this nuisance. So I chased, and I chased, and I chased ... until I wore him out ...then Dad could handle my light work and polish him off with the flyswatter.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Must I Watch Her All the Time!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Here we are at the start of our day ... this is Nana's new ride!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I am a Better Boy
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Sicker Than the Proverbial Dog ...
I don't know if it was something he ate or what ... but he had been out of commission since Jeff picked him up at the groomer's yesterday. Cluny was up a couple of times last night, and we were up pretty early this morning outside (in a gentle shower), hosing out his kennel, and spit-bathing my little buddy, too.
As of this evening, he seems to have turned the corner ... his appetite is returning. Due to the sensitive tummy, he's only had a small amount of plain yogurt today. He's cruised by his dish a couple of times this evening, looking forlorn when, alas, it's still empty.
We are trying to stave off dehydration ... so he's had lots and lots of ice cubes. It's a real hoot to see him toss his head back and chew up the cube. And in my effort to avoid the melted ice puddle that can shock the casual passerby who happens to step into the inevitable ice floe, I have attempted to play a game ... enticing him to eat the ice cube.
This is what I learned today ... Jeff is 22 and it's been a really long time since I was up all night with a sick baby ... I am definitely out of practice.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I didn't know this was possible ...
I'm told that drinking water from the wrong side of a glass will shorten the duration of hiccups. This is one of those times when thumbs would really come in handy ...
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Life Cycle of the Hapless Dandelion ...
Tonight as we were beginning our evening walk, we rounded the corner to the grammar school, and I encountered the coolest field of spent dandelions. There must have been THOUSANDS of them!
Mom gave me enough lead so that I could bound between the stands of dandelions, liberating the fluff from their individual stems. Every three or four jumps. I would stop and give myself a good old shake. I ended up with a white mask of dandelion seeds ... and then I spent the better part of the next hour trying to clear my sniffer ... Pffttt.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Just Another Service I Offer ... Nanny
Thursday, May 6, 2010
No Second Opinion Necessary...
First, the Doc took my measurements, I'm up to 21 pounds. She listened to my heart, checked my ears and my eyes, I turned my head and coughed ... and then she pronounced me fit as a fiddle. She also said I was beautiful! ~ preen ~
I think I'll go with that diagnosis ... No second opinion necessary.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Batter Up ...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Field Trip ...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Here comes Peter Cottontail ...
Right there for the whole world to see ... there's a hare in my back yard ... munching on grass, washing his face, and acting like he owns the place. This guy's in my territory ... so it's my job to let him know. From my perch on top of the love seat ... I began to give Mr B. Rabbit a piece of my mind. I moved over to the arm of the sofa and passed on some more of my wisdom ... but he seems completely unmoved by my input.
I looked to both Mom and Dad for support ... clearly no help there. So back to the arm of the sofa, atop the love seat, arm of the sofa. Lather, rinse, repeat ...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Since you been gone ...
But Mom surprised me with a playdate with Snuggles the (Chihuahua+Pug=) Chug. Snuggles and I did laps around the coffee table ... we had a few cheerios ... the Mom's took us for a walk ... we had snack ... and then we chased each other some more.
It was a full day and I was dog tired.
But here's the thing ... Snuggles left little bits of herself behind ... there are these little whisps of white hair ... all over the house. I am able to stir up enough air to have the fluffs of hair float across the floor in my wake. Days later ... I found something tasty on the living room carpet ... only to have Mom pull a chewed up clump d'Snuggles from my mouth.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
My New Nemesis ....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A Sure Sign of Spring
There's a sure sign of Spring ... and the time is now. Yesterday was sunny and warm and Cluny was enjoying his tour of the backyard. Sometimes, Andi or I will be out there with him and sometimes Cluny is out there ... unaccompanied.
With the grass in the backyard starting to green up ... sometimes the allure of the tender shoots is just too much. Last season, Cluny had perfected the art of tufting the grass. He'll run along full speed and pull a huge hank of grass from the ground, give it a shake, and toss it aside. This can and does go on for as long as I will let him.
Fast forward to Tuesday and Cluny was charging and yanking as if the interceding winter never occurred. He was having the time of his life. However, I do think that there was one element of the exercise that seems to have slipped Cluny's mind. It's really important to remember to yank and exhale ...
If you happen breathe in ... you just hork the chaff. This, in turn, will cause one to huffle and cough ... and huffle and cough. But ever the trouper, Cluny never slowed down in his effort to wreak as much havoc that one 20 pound Scot can manage.
~ Jeff
Friday, April 2, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Whaur Are Ye Gaun, My Bonnie Wee Lass?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Backyard Can Be a Very Scary Place ...
But my Garden of Eden has been infiltrated by some unwelcome guests ...
The Magpies have begun nesting in the Bar-B-Q and the crazy Robin is attacking the house. Lately, walking out on our deck is like a lesson in handling hazardous material. Unfortunately, it's through the back door and over the deck I must travel to get to the facilities ...
Once I have skulked my way out the door and down the stairs ... I have to contend with the flock of birds perched in the trees. I feel like I'm on the set of an Alfred Hitchcock movie ... I think they are all up there just waiting for me. It's not that I'm paranoid or anything but I do believe, for now, that it's in my best interest to get out, get done and get in ...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
One Thing Leads To Another ...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Great Scot

Today was a play date with Wilson ... Wilson is a baby Cairn that owns Mom's friend Rhonda. We had a whale of a time racing around the house, wrassling, and chewing on each other. At one point I was able to give my leetle friend a nudge and push him under the cedar chest. But Wilson was relentless and always came back for more.
Here we are after we'd been playing together for about an hour. By this time we were clearly tuckered out ... or else Mum wouldn't have been able to catch the both of us ...
As for tonight ... I'm just exhausted and I do believe it's time for my nap.Friday, March 5, 2010
Farewell .. Paradise
Friday, March 5
Unfortunately, today is the day we have to leave paradise.
When we flew into St Lucia, we arrived at the smaller airport in Castries. However, we are scheduled to depart from the larger airport in Hewanorra. But first, there is the small matter of a 2 hour bus trip across the island. The drive did allow us an opportunity to see more of the island.The island is very hilly; it has so many groves (or are they stands?) of banana trees you can't count them all. There are also acres and acres of tropical rainforest around each bend and corner, and then around the next curve you get a glimpse of the blue Caribbean sea.
What a wonderful trip ...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Caribbean Street Party
Thursday, March 4
Today the resort is hosting a street party. We were treated to a live band, dancers, food, and craft vendors.
As always ... we had some of the most amazing seafood.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Bore Da ...
Wednesday, March 3
Bore Da ... is Welsh for Good Morning ... Pnawnd Da means Good Afternoon, and as for Good Evening ... Noswaith
The lesson is Welsh is in honor of our wonderful new friends. We shared dinner with Bill and Kate on Monday and we made such a wonderful connection, we arranged to meet them for dinner tonight at Mario's. Where we were treated to a fantastic antipasto bar the featured so many wonderful treats.
When Jeff and I make our way to Europe .. we have to stop in Cardiff to see the Spence's.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
A Chocolate! Buffet
Tuesday, March 2
We took a trip into Castries today to do some shopping. We shared a ride with a really niced couple from South Hampton, England. We spent some time at the open air market, where we picked up some souvenirs. Jeff decided against the Cohibas.
We also went to the duty free shops. Here's a picture of our shopping companions ... John and Sara.
We had dinner at a wonderful French restaurant ... it was spectacular. A couple of firsts ... first time I ever ate in a 5-star restaurant, and Jeff's first escargot. I wanted to take pictures in the restaurant but thought better of it.
When we returned to the hotel after dinner ... the culinary staff was setting up .... a CHOCOLATE buffet. Need I say more ...