Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mr Cluny's Opus ...

I'm not very vocal ... it's not that I don't have a lot to say... but I do think it helps me maintain an aura of mystery. However, if you listen very closely you'll hear the symphony that is Cluny. The clicks, the grunts, and squeals ...

I've been known to nap throughout the day ... sometimes I'm on the sofa, sometimes I'm in the office, and sometimes you can find me in my house. When the most recent snooze has come to a satisfactory conclusion, and it's time for me to rise and shine ... I will let loose with a melodious bleat that accompanies a particularly gratifying stretch.

Often the prospect of dinner will elicit a series of low, guttural grunts akin to Hollywood's romanticized version of the reanimated Franken Terrier.

And on occasion, I will bark at a phantom ... Mom and Dad refer to this outburst as random barking day.

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