Some of the more famous Scotties, other than myself (none of my brethren have blogs all their own ...), have lived in the Whitehouse. Most of us are familiar with the most noteworthy Scottish Terrier, Fala. Fala was the beloved companion of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Alongside President Roosevelt, Fala is memorialized in bronze at the FDR memorial in Washington DC.
Far less is known about President and Mrs. Roosevelt's other Scotties, Duffy, Mrs. Duffy, and Meggie.
President George W. Bush were also owned by two Scotties, Barney and Miss Beazley. In the age of You Tube and the 24-hours news cycle, people are more familiar with the Bush's dogs. Barney and Miss Beazley's exploits in the Whitehouse were commorated in holiday-themed films as well as other seasonal fare. Breaking from his usual target during the Bush administration, Barney was the featured subject of a satirical piece by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. Hardly one to tolerate the ignominies of the press, Barney made headlines when he bit a Reuters pool reporter. Yeah, that'll teach him. Here are bits of information that might be of particular interest to the members of my clan ... Barney's mom is named Coors, and his brother is named Clinton.
Other very famous people have had the pleasure of having a Scottish Terrier as companions include Jackie Kennedy, Queen Victoria, and President Dwight Eisenhower.
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