Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Scared Scots Project ...

Have you heard ???... The 'rents are leaving me alone ... all by myself ... outside my kennel ... all day! Sweet!'

The first couple of days, I played it pretty cool. I spent quite a bit of time, just hanging out, cooling my jets, when I hear the garage door open, that's my signal to head for the 'safety' and 'security of my kennel. Mom and Dad ... well, they pretty much think I've been there all day !

On Monday, first Mom, then Dad headed out the door, as usual, to do whatever it is they do all day ... Then it's my time to find whatever mischief suits my fancy. With Halloween approaching, I think I'll call this episode of the Naughty Scotty ... The Blair Witch Project. I created these heaps of twigs and left them in conspiculous places for the folks to find upon their return.

Unfortunately, I did not count on one teeny tiny detail ... Dad was still home. And he caught me ... red-pawed.

And now I'm in the corner ...

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