Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How May I Help You?

We had a visitor come to the house this morning to do some minor home repairs.

After doing my bit as the official Scottish welcome wagon, mummy removed me from the situation so my new friend, Matt, could get down to the business at hand. In an effort to redirect some of my over-the-top energy, mum offered me a bit of kibble and whisked me away to the kitchen.

For a moment, she thought she had me, but you know, when at the precise moment she turned her back in order to fill up my dish, I wriggled out of my den and bolted up the stairs to see what I could do to offer my own brand of doggie help.

As it turns out, Matt was happy to greet me (again!) but hardly needed my advice, and he was quite able to complete the task without my input.

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