Monday, August 16, 2010

Tuesdays with Mommy ...

Last week, mummy was a bit under the weather and she got to stay home and keep me company for a few days ... we got into a morning routine that went a little something like this ...

When I wake up, I like to roll over onto my back, which results in a tummy scratching and then I stretch. Mom will pick me up ... since I can't get off the bed without a little help … and when she puts me down, a couple more stretches. At the top of the stairs, I like to put my two front paws on the second riser, which pushes my tookus into the air and there is some more stretching … When it’s particularly satisfying, I’ll let out a hoot to let you know just how good it is.

Then, if I'm not really feeling it, I’ll sit at the top of the stairs … I like Mom to really sell me on the idea of coming downstairs. Once she's made an adequate case for coming downstairs and going outside, I like to visit the low spots by the fence where my friend the bunny comes and goes. Then I check under the squirrel feeder ... just in case there might be some tasty bite for me. After completing my appointed rounds ... I'll head back up the steps.

That's about the time breakfast arrives … I’ll cruise by my bowl to make sure that the morning offering meets with my approval. Some days I'll have breakfast with Mom and other days, I'll wait and have breakfast with Dad ... but then some days I prefer to have my meal served up in the kennel ... we like to call this 'breakfast in bed’.

I also really like Dad's office days … when Dad serves up that second cup of coffee, it’s time to head to ‘work’ and I'm ready to go. Once I'm 'at work', I like to sleep in various places in the office, but I prefer the knee hole of Dad's desk … right between the sidewall of the desk and the chair with my chin on top of Dad's foot. *I* am an excellent office companion ... that is ... unless it’s random barking day … then I’ll bark at nothing until I get tired of that when it's time for my next nap.

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