Wednesday, June 30, 2010

There Was an old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly,
I dunno know why she swallowed that fly,
I guess she'll die ...

Racing through the house at top speed ... pulling up short to growl or bark ... to the casual observer, I'm barking at nothing.

But you would be uninformed.

We had a fly in the house ... a really loud fly ... and it was my job to make short work of this nuisance. So I chased, and I chased, and I chased ... until I wore him out ...then Dad could handle my light work and polish him off with the flyswatter.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Must I Watch Her All the Time!

I am *the* Scot of mummy's eye, so I couldn't begin to imagine anything untoward going on when I wasn't looking ...

Would she really nuzzle another puppy? True enough, I'm no longer a wee tot, but I am by no means long in the tooth. I may have exchanged sweet puppy breath for the scent of kibble and my soft puppy coat has given way to my distinctive hard coat.

I know Mom's a sucker for babies ... but seriously ... is there something we need to talk about?

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Apparently, my Nana is a bit of a joker ...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Nana and Opa are in town for a visit .. and day 1 of their vacay was the Tour d'Lincoln. This was a chance for us to visit some of our favorite places around town ... so I've included a pictorial essay of today's travels ...

Here we are at the start of our day ... this is Nana's new ride!

And here I am on the arm of the sofa ... catching up on some much needed rest.

The first stop today was the new location for the Quilted Kitty ... me thinks this stop was more for the benefit of mummy ... than, say ... Opa. I don't think Opa is big on fabric shopping.

All the while, I was taking a nap in my kennel.

Next up .. Euphoria. This is a great place for tie dyes and the like ... Great gargoyle, huh?
I found a comfortable resting place under the recliner.
Oh Boy!! Lunch at the Grateful Bread ... Santa Fe Chowder, Red Lentil Soup ... and the cheese scones are awesome!

But by this time, I was too exhausted ... I required a nap in the den ...

After lunch, we stopped at the shop a few doors down, Bohdi Imports. Opa found himself a dandy hat ...

But after an a full and exhausting day, I found myself in desparate need of a snoozle ...
Ahh, Wednesdays ... I'm all in ...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I am a Better Boy

I know eveyone was greatly concerned ... but after a pretty rough weekend, I am much improved.

Jeff and Mollie came to spend the day with me ... and that, too, added bounce to my step and pink to my cheek.

What a great way to spend a Sunday!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sicker Than the Proverbial Dog ...

I'm guest blogging because Cluny has a bug and has been sick ... sick ... sick.

I don't know if it was something he ate or what ... but he had been out of commission since Jeff picked him up at the groomer's yesterday. Cluny was up a couple of times last night, and we were up pretty early this morning outside (in a gentle shower), hosing out his kennel, and spit-bathing my little buddy, too.

As of this evening, he seems to have turned the corner ... his appetite is returning. Due to the sensitive tummy, he's only had a small amount of plain yogurt today. He's cruised by his dish a couple of times this evening, looking forlorn when, alas, it's still empty.

We are trying to stave off dehydration ... so he's had lots and lots of ice cubes. It's a real hoot to see him toss his head back and chew up the cube. And in my effort to avoid the melted ice puddle that can shock the casual passerby who happens to step into the inevitable ice floe, I have attempted to play a game ... enticing him to eat the ice cube.

This is what I learned today ... Jeff is 22 and it's been a really long time since I was up all night with a sick baby ... I am definitely out of practice.
