Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, Pitlochry

When we arrived in Scotland we knew we wanted to spend a couple of days in Edinburgh and then move on .. what we didn't know is where we would land.  After gathering advice from a few people along our way, we decided we should stop over in Pitlochry, or Baile Chloichridh in Scots Gaelic.  And no, I can't pronouce it ...

Upon our arrival we were greeted by a train station that looked like this. We had a really good feeling about this charming town and Pitlochry did not disappoint.

We immediately fell in love wiht this charming town, from the blooming gardens to the lovely people.  We booked a night in the sweetest B&B called Derryand and our hostess was Marian was incredible.

Pitlochry is in the Highlands and is renown as a desitination for hikers.  It's also famous for the salmon ladder, which acts like a boat locks fso that the fish 'walk' up the power station dam. 

We awoke to see the hills shrouded in fog.  This is the view out our room. 

Our plans for the day included an excursion to Aberfeldy to see Cluny Gardens.  This private botanical garden was breathtaking.  We scored a perfectly beautiful day and spent a fews hours touring the grounds and watching the red squirrels.

The flowers were spectacular!!

The red Cluny squirrels have been resident at the gardens for many years finding food and shelter within the vast variety of established trees.

Once back in Pitlochry, we spent a little time at the Heather Gems factory where the artisans turn Scottish Heather into beautiful works of art. 

On our way back to Pitlochry, we crossed the River Tummel.

We were headed to Newtonmore so it's back to the train station.  Here's a couple more pics of Pitlochry, just because I like them.


  1. Enjoyed a lovely tea at the Fern Cottage, quite upscale for a small Scottish village. Recommended by our hostess Marian, it did not disappoint!

  2. Jeff is still talking about his tasty lamb dinner!

