Monday, May 21, 2012

Sunday, April 29, Edinburgh

On our last night in London, we stayed at the home of Mother's friend Suzann.  The address is on Wimpole Mews.  Mews is the British equivalent of a row of stables, most often on the backside of the large city houses.  In modern London, the mews have been renovated and turned into private homes.

Thanks to Suzann, James and their son CJ for opening their home to us.  Their hospitality and generosity was greatly appreciated.

Early the next moring, we packed our bags and hopped a train headed headed to Scotland!!  Here's a  picture of all us on the train enroute to Edinburgh.

Since we are headed for Scotland ... it's time for a Scottish joke.  Credit goes to the nice Scotsman we met on the train who traded whiskey reccomendations with us.

A Scotsman was drinking late into the night at the local pub and slipped a couple of small bottles of Scotch whiskey into his pocket.  After closing the pub down, our friend who was in no condition to drive, hopped a train for the short ride home.  Out of nowhere, the train was involved in a terrible accident and the impact tossed the Scotsman from his seat.  Once he regained consciousness, the lad discovered that his pants were soaking wet.  Our friend thought to himself ... Oh My God, I hope that's blood.

We arrived in Edinburgh and found our way to the tourist office.  Once there, the super friendly staff at Visit Scotland helped us arrange for a B&B and a tour of Stirling Castle.  We hopped a cab to Appin House where we met our host Jim Burnett.

Jim has a cozy B&B and he and his staff were so welcoming and friendly.   Jim was happy to  help with recommendations for eats and entertainment.  For dinner, we followed popped into the Abbotsford.  It was our first night in Scotland ... which means ... someone's eating haggis. 

Mom and Pa have eaten haggis before and Jeff enjoyed it as well ... but I must admit, I wasn't a fan.  We also ordered Scotch eggs, venison meatballs with quail eggs inside.  I can check both of these off my list.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, the Haggis, traditional Scot's fare and the reason the tartaned soldiers are so ill tempered, and admittedly not only the soldiers.

