Saturday, December 26, 2009

My White Christmas ...

In case anyone was in doubt ... those folks dreaming of a White Christmas ... got what they were looking for ... although I'm not sure this is what they had in mind ...

While I was inside opening my Christmas presents ... Dad was outside trying to keep ol' man winter at bay.

This is what a foot of snow looks like from my point of view ...
And this is what it means to Dad ...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Other Side of the Mountain

Two weeks ago, we got something like 10 inches of snow. Since my stats put me at about 7 inches at the shoulder, the snow was quite deep for wee ones such as me-self.

When one has to go outside, we have a bit of a problem. But my ever thoughtful Dad cleared a 10 foot by 10 foot patch in the back yard for just such purposes.

Here we are two weeks later and despite mother’s attempts at housekeeping, my clearing looks somewhat akin to the crash site of a South American Rugby team. Today, however, I made it over the crest of Snow Mountain and was able to take full advantage of the backyard for the first time in weeks. Never mind that with every step, I sank up to the shoulder … I wasn’t coming back in the house no matter how many Cheerios were proffered …

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Suh was robbed!

I learned on Saturday night the Ndomukong Suh did not win the Heisman Trophy ... so sad. Like Suh, I am a Blackshirt too ... although my blackshirt is interspersed with red ... making me more a Brindleshirt. Although Brindleshirt just doesn't roll off the tongue ...

Oh well ... Maybe I can throw him my bone ...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The Arctic weather has hit the Plains. The snow that fell at our place left drifts that dwarfed the reindeer in the front yard and have made for treacherous snow and ice crossing for wee laddies such as myself...

Yesterday, Mummy and I went outside to play. Dad got down to business .. the shoveling business! Our friends the Newmans, Eric, Melissa, EJ and Forsberg were doing the same. Here's EJ doing his part.

While it was playtime for Forsberg and I ...

Personally, I do rather enjoy nosing around in the snow ... you can tell by the shear number of icicles in me beard ...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ho Ho Ho Boy ...

'Tis the season for Santa, sleighs, and silver bells ... The local pet shop was offering photos of the jolly one. I'm certain that it comes as no surprise that mother made sure we were in line for this.

My first visit to St Nick called for a bath, a blow out, and three (!) yes ... three brushings. I donned a very nice plaid kerchief and off we went.

Upon our arrival, we were lucky to find just one family of labradors in front of us. The labs did not seem to enjoy their visit to Santa as the wee laddies were called up to join the family photo session.

I guess you could say that I am my mother's muse and as often as she takes my picture ... This should have been old hat for me ... should have been ...

I climbed into the jolly old elf's lap and despite my nerves struck a handsome pose.

As we were waiting for my photo to print, I was able to relax. It occurred to me that I was on my leash and I am usually expected to do my business whilst on my leash. Would today be any different? Imagine mummy's surprise to see me, right there in the store ...

Standing there, Mom sputtered, professed my house-broken-ness to all who would listen, and asked for a paper towel and a plastic bag ... Dad collected my portrait and a I got a treat from one of Santa's elves ...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Gathering of the Clan

Representatives of the McPherson clan have gathered here at my prairie homestead for the observance of a Scots Thanksgiving ... well, maybe not a 'Scots Thanksgiving' ... because ... well, you know ... they don't really celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in me homeland ...

Nana was the first to arrive, so I granted the family matriarch an audience; she was quite taken by my charm, talent, and good looks. With my brindled locks and a finely appointed kilt, Nana believes me to be the handsomest wee laddie she knows this side of the highlands. We spent many an afternoon partaking in some of *her* favorite activites ... belly rubbing and ear scratching ... mine ... not hers ...

Opa was next on deck. He was greeted him with the same warm enthusiasm as Nana had been. I was quite pleased that he made his journey ... as it was high time this Scotsman met that Welshman. Opa brought along his guitar and the house has been filled with our beloved Celtic tunes.

A bit o' the guitar bug has rubbed off on JB. Under the watchful eye of our Opa, the whelp has taken up the guitar. Jeff has spent a lot of time around here these many days and is learning at the knee of an accomplished guitar man. It's wonderful to see the two of them together ... as one passes on his passion to the next in line ...

Uncle Buck arrived on Thankgiving day and brought the clan circle ever closer to closing. With Aunty Roma on the phone from San Diego, the circle was in fact, complete ...

With the McPhersons and Clarks on hand, we shared a lovely dinner with a fine gathering of ten ... turkey, stuffing, et al.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Hallowed Cluny ...

It appears that mother is quite fond of Halloween. Apparently, it’s one of her favorite times of the year. Yeah, I know … the Kachina dolls on the mantle have been replaced with gourds and ghosts … and there’s that freaky cat standing on the hearth. I’ll fess up ... I gave that cat the stinkeye more than once … only to discover, it wasn’t real.

There has also been much discussion about dressing up and what Mom will ‘be’ for Halloween. Uhm, yeah ... No one cared to let me know that *I* would be called upon to participate in the whole production ...

One day, you’re just a guy, standing around, minding your own business … and the next thing you know you’re the Crocodile Hunter’s sidekick …

Friday, October 30, 2009

Autumn Leaves ...

I have only recently discovered the joys of fallen leaves in the back yard ... the promise that lay in the crunchiness of the leaves makes my little Scottish heart sing.

Today was the day we raked the leaves ... or rather ... mother raked the leaves and I ran like a blue streak with a stream of leaves trailing behind me. Followed very quickly by barking at the rake and scattering the leaf piles ...

And then mummy made the purely amateur mistake of putting her work gloves down ... good luck getting that glove back, Ma ...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Walking Dude

As we've discussed a few times before, Mom and I are champion walkers. To date, we have walked more than a million steps since July, taken end to end, we have walked so far we have left Nebraska.

Now we just need to find our way back ...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Brown-Eyed Handsome Man ...

A couple of weeks ago, I took the 'rents and visited the farm to meet the new puppies.

Just the other day, Sheryl sent Mummy a picture of one the babies we met that day. Mum is quite taken with the baby. And although he's a fine looking lad, he's no match for uhm ... this guy, here on the right ...

I'll let you be the judge ... You tell me, who's the cutest ???

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Dream of Scotland

Although I'm certain I'm in Nebraska, the last fews days make a wee lad feel like he's returned to his highland home on the moors. It's been rainy, drizzly, wet, and cold ...

If I didn't know any better ...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Well now ... this is new ...

It was a lovely summer and we were looking forward to beautiful Autumn. When this happened ... It's only the 10th of October ... and most of the leaves are still on the maple trees ... So when Mom opened up that back door, I stepped onto the deck rather trepidatiously ... it took more than a little convincing for me to go out and do my thing ...

We'll just consider this my pictorial essay on a Snow Day ...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Down on the Farm ...

Saturday morning we went to see Sheryl, my breeder, and her family. Sheryl whelped a litter of puppies in August, and Mom has been dying to get her hands on these little guys for weeks. Saturday was a beautiful morning and all of the Scotties were there to greet us when we arrived ... Buffy, Ruby, Buddy, just to name a few. Also part of the welcoming committee were Squire, the Dalmatian, and their Dachshund too. I can't forget to mention that Sheryl also had a full house in the boarding kennel ... so it was a fine greeting indeed.

I had the chance to get re-acquainted with my litter mates too ... Garth and Little Helen. Admittedly, my sister Helen was running the show ... so as a guest, I let her be in charge. I did spend a little quality time, just Sheryl and me, out in the groom house ... my ears and tail, and yeah, and the rest of me too, needed some attention. Did I mention how handsome I am when I have a fresh haircut?

And then Mom got a hold of the four babies ... I think for a moment, Mom considered staying at the kennel and taking on the job of official puppy nuzzler.

Mom and Dad were talking about me when they brought me home ... I wasn't much bigger than these new puppies are now. Time sure flies !

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mission Statement ...

Dad was out of town ... again ... last week.

While on his way back from Orlando, he found a gift for Mummy. I can only take credit as the inspirational force behind this ...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Raindrops Keep Fallin'

On My Head ... and I'm none too happy about that.

We all know the highlands are pretty damp and while that may have been OK for my foreclansmen. I fancy myself neither a Highland Scot, nor a Lowland Scot. I think of myself as more of a ... Midwestern Scot. You know ... the dry kind.

It's been raining off and on for the last couple of days. Yesterday morning when we got up, it was raining. Mom and I took our morning stroll in the backyard ... She under an umbrella and me in all my glory. Every time I settled under the umbrella ... Mom would move. We did this a couple of times and then I hit paydirt. Catching Mom in a moment of stillness, I positioned myself between her ankles and squatted.

Can you really blame a lad for simply trying to stay dry ...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Splish ... Splash

I was taking a bath ... and *I* was not amused.

In many aspects, living is easy ... but then there's bath day. A guy in a kilt can pick up plenty of stuff out in the yard, on a walk, that kind of thing ...

A bottle of oatmeal bath, a nylon scrubby, and into the drink I go. Bath is followed by a blow dry and then laps around the house ... lots and lots of laps ... because I like to air dry.

But worry not, there is Cluny's Revenge ... Mum gets almost as wet as I do ...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Walk This Way ...

So says Steven Tyler ... and the State of Nebraska.

Mummy is participating in the Walk this Way program at work. Five nights a week, she and I (and oftentimes, Dad) take a 30-45 minute walk through the neighborhood. In the past two months, we have logged more than 750,000 thousand steps ... that's like 250 miles in dog steps ...

Apparently when you walk as much as we do, you get invited to get your picture taken with the Governor. However, I do believe *I* was left off the guest list.

Although this is much like a 'Where's Waldo' picture, Mom is in there ... somewhere.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chicago Cubs vs. Haley's Coment

A wee bit o'trivia for ya ... since the Cubs last won a world series, Haley's Comet has passed Earth twice ... Dad's out of town this week in Chicago. He's left me to be the 'Man of the House'.

This is the laundry list of tasks for this week ...

  • Garage Door closed at night ... since I canna reach the button, Mom will have to make sure that the garage door is closed up tight.
  • Front Door locked ... since I canna reach the handle, Mom will have to make sure that the door is locked.
  • Look after Mummy ... this one I got. As part of the my charm school training, I followed Mom around on my leash for three weeks, so now I tend to stay pretty close to her. Even when she's not home, I find myself looking for her.

I'll have to fit all these chores into my schedule ... between my naps.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

If You Need Me, I'll be on the Couch ...

I have found that the accommodations available just a couple of feet up are preferable to those to be had on the floor. I have it on very good authority that the sofa used to be off limits to thems with four legs ... but I am pretty sure those kinds of rules simply don't apply to me ...

Whenever he finds me napping comfortably, Dad just shakes his head ...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dog Pile

This weekend, Jenny and Piper came to my house to stay. Piper and I had a grand ole' time. There was much running and wrasssling ... Jenny just tried to stay out of the way...

Mom tried her best to capture a decent picture of the three of us ... She was grumbling pretty loudly as she tried to get the three of us to sit still for the photo op ... something about a 'pandemonium' ...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Waiting for the World to Change ...

I have often wondered what goes on beyond the front door. I guess now I know ...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Adventures in Babysitting

So apparently the folks decided that it was time for a date night ...

On Friday and Saturday, Mom and Dad went to the volleyball tournament in Omaha with Miss Deb and Mr Ken, whilst *I* stayed home with my first babysitter. Yep ... a nice relaxing evening spent stretched out in in my house. And we even had a few treats ... because *I* am a really good boy ...

Once home from Omaha, Mom came to collect me about midnight and I took this opportunity to take my final ... shall we say ... constitutional of the day ... right there in Elsberry's front yard. So Mom drops me, my house, my leash, and my treats off at home and heads back out to clean up after me. There she is, in the dark of night, skulking around in the neighbor's yard armed with a flashlight and a baggie. Good thing there wasn't a cop around ... that surely would have been an interesting explanation.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Distance Does *Not* Always Lend Enchantment

I guess you can say that some people like being the object of my affection and some people don't ...

Monday, August 17, 2009


Better known as Mommy's Animal Stuffing Hospital ...

Since it's the middle of the month, it must be time to triage my favorite toys. Previously, I have riffed on the perils that befall my fluffier friends, thus Mummy performs routine inspections and offers first aid to those in need. Always willing to do my part, I was there to supervise the entire ... ahem ... operation.

Eyes, ears, squeakers, and tags are generally the first things to go, and this time was no different. On Saturday, the blue gator lost his right eye and a nostril. After a few sutures and some of my constructuve criticism, he was good as new ...
