Monday, September 14, 2009

Chicago Cubs vs. Haley's Coment

A wee bit o'trivia for ya ... since the Cubs last won a world series, Haley's Comet has passed Earth twice ... Dad's out of town this week in Chicago. He's left me to be the 'Man of the House'.

This is the laundry list of tasks for this week ...

  • Garage Door closed at night ... since I canna reach the button, Mom will have to make sure that the garage door is closed up tight.
  • Front Door locked ... since I canna reach the handle, Mom will have to make sure that the door is locked.
  • Look after Mummy ... this one I got. As part of the my charm school training, I followed Mom around on my leash for three weeks, so now I tend to stay pretty close to her. Even when she's not home, I find myself looking for her.

I'll have to fit all these chores into my schedule ... between my naps.

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