Monday, December 21, 2009

The Other Side of the Mountain

Two weeks ago, we got something like 10 inches of snow. Since my stats put me at about 7 inches at the shoulder, the snow was quite deep for wee ones such as me-self.

When one has to go outside, we have a bit of a problem. But my ever thoughtful Dad cleared a 10 foot by 10 foot patch in the back yard for just such purposes.

Here we are two weeks later and despite mother’s attempts at housekeeping, my clearing looks somewhat akin to the crash site of a South American Rugby team. Today, however, I made it over the crest of Snow Mountain and was able to take full advantage of the backyard for the first time in weeks. Never mind that with every step, I sank up to the shoulder … I wasn’t coming back in the house no matter how many Cheerios were proffered …

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