Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Backyard Can Be a Very Scary Place ...

I really like being outside ... particularly after such a long winter when I was confined to a small clearing amongst the snow drifts. You would think that I might have the entire backyard to myself where I can run to my wee heart's desire, enjoying the breeze, oblivious to the pleas coming from top of the stairs, and ignoring the rattle of my beloved Cheerios offered up as a bribe.

But my Garden of Eden has been infiltrated by some unwelcome guests ...

The Magpies have begun nesting in the Bar-B-Q and the crazy Robin is attacking the house. Lately, walking out on our deck is like a lesson in handling hazardous material. Unfortunately, it's through the back door and over the deck I must travel to get to the facilities ...

Once I have skulked my way out the door and down the stairs ... I have to contend with the flock of birds perched in the trees. I feel like I'm on the set of an Alfred Hitchcock movie ... I think they are all up there just waiting for me. It's not that I'm paranoid or anything but I do believe, for now, that it's in my best interest to get out, get done and get in ...

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