Saturday, February 13, 2010

She Shall Be Shunned

Mother has returned from a week as Nana-sitter. It sounds like both Mom and Nana had a nice visit. Gratefully, Nana is on the mend and feeling stronger every day.

Dad and I spent the week together ... just two happy bachelors. Dad is more of a 'hands off' custodian. I was expected to walk down the deck steps and eat my meals without constant and intense supervision. Never one to disappoint, I satisfied all Dad's expectations.

It has not escaped me the that Mummy left me for an entire week, so I thought it best to show her exactly who is in charge around here ... it became necessary to shun her. I come when called ... as long as there is something in it for me. Have I mentioned how much I like Cheerios?? Then last night after we settled in for the evening, rather than snuggle with her as is our custom, I turned my back on her and stretched out at the foot of the bed.

Despite numerous treats and countless hugs, I will warm up to her when I'm good and ready ...

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