Thursday, June 14, 2012

Normandy American Cemetery Stories ... The Roosevelts ...

Theodore D. 'Teddy' Roosevelt, Jr., was a Brigadier General and Medal of Honor recipient who fought in World War I and World War II.  He was the eldest son of President Theodore and Edith Roosevelt.  Teddy Roosevelt, Jr. is buried next to his brother Quentin Theodore Roosevelt.

Quentin was the youngest son of President Roosevelt. Inspired by his father and siblings, he joined the United States Army as a pilot during World War I. Quentin was was killed in action over France on Bastille Day in 1918. 

Quentin was buried at Chamery, but at the behest of his family, he was exhumed in 1955 and moved to the Normandy Cemetery, in order to be re-interred next to his brother.  This was an extraordinary circumstance afforded to the deceased war hero brother of an American President and brother of a Medal of Honor winner.

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