Friday, September 30, 2011

We took Nana to Boulder to visit her alma mater, the University of Colorado. Ralphie is the university's mascot. This picture was taken outside the stadium.

Nana likes to tell the story that in her day, the dining facility was named for Alfred G Packer. A cannibalistic prospector. I'll include the wiki link here.

After departing Boulder, we took advantage of a perfect opportunity and drove the scenic mountain route to take in the quaking Aspens.

Unless you have experienced this for yourself, it may be somewhat difficult to describe. The Aspens quiver and shiver ... as if they are trembling on their branches. It's positively

fascinating. The juxtaposition of the brilliant gold of the Aspens interspersed among the deep rich green of the evergreen forest is fabulous. Our timing to see these beautiful autumn colors could not have been more perfect.

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