Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Patti LaBelle isn't the only one with a new attitude ...

Today started out like any other Wednesday ... a sunny tour of my backyard, a chance to greet my pals squirrel and bunny; which was quickly followed by the most important meal of the day. And then, as luck would have it ... came the proffer of a cookie and the promise of a ride in the car.

I should have known better than to think this was my chance for the quintessential wind-in-my-hair moment ... this morning's joy ride found us in the parking lot of my barbershop. I will allow that a component of the deal that I made when I adopted Mom and Dad included regular visits to the groomer, but today, I was simply not in the mood.

I had no problem exhibiting my displeasure. When Chris, my regular tonsorial artist, tried to buy my consideration with a treat, I respectfully declined. Whether I liked it or not .. I was getting a new 'do.

I do, however, know who will be held responsible.

So when Mummy arrived a few hours later to collect her wee bairn, using that pitchy voice she uses when she is trying to get what she wants ... I simply turned away. She'll need to work a little harder to win back my affections.

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