Friday, July 13, 2012

Monday, May 14 ... a fond farewell

This is our last day in Germany and we are making the most of it.

First we head to Willich to see friends of Mom and Pa .. Thorsen and Ute Liesenberg and their son Jesco.  We had a wonderful brunch prepared by Ute.  

Jesco becomes my best friend when he proffers about half a dozen KinderEggs.  For the unenlightened, a KinderEgg is a chocolate egg that contains a plastic egg with a pretty swell toy. JB loved these chocolates as a wee lad... and Jesco gave me the rest of the eggs to take home with me. I couldn't wait to give them to JB.

Left to Right .. Tobi Winkelmann, Mom, Thorsen Liesenberg, Pa, Ute Liesenberg, Jeff and Me

Jesco and Thorsen

After breakfast, we return to Gelsenkirchen and have a little celebratory birthday cake in honor of Dietmar's birthday. 

Left to Right ... Mom, Pa, Dietrmar, Amalie, Tobi, Yves, Emilia, Jeff, Me, and Sina .. Hanne and Lenia are the official photographers so they aren't in the picture :(

All good things must come to an end and we have to saddle up and head for the airport ... our European excursion is coming to an end.  We depart from the Dusseldorf Airport, enroute to Heathrow; then early the next morning we head for home.  

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