Thursday, June 14, 2012

Normandy American Cemetery Stories ... Billie D Harris ...

The story of Billie D Harris was told to us by our guide, Anthony, and was recently profiled on the CBS morning news program.   To hear the story being re-told so soon after our visit was stunning.

Billie D Harris, a First Lieutenant and World War II fighter pilot, was shot down and killed over Nazi-occupied  France in July 1944.  Harris maintained control of his plane well enough, avoided crashing into the small town of Les Ventes, and crashed his plane into the woods instead.

Lieutenant Harris was afforded a funeral conducted by the citizenry of Les Ventes and buried in the town cemetery; his grave was covered knee-deep with flowers. All these years later, that tiny town still remembers Billie Harris with a street named for him (Rue Billie D Harris) and an annual parade.

Here's where the story gets interesting.

Peggy Harris, Billie's widow, never knew what had become of her husband.  The military provided conflicting stories about his status.  Even after 60 years, Peggy was told that Billie was listed as MIA.

A family member, determined to solve the mystery and provide Peggy a real answer, requested Billie's military records. Plain as day, the records indicated that First Lieutenant Billie D Harris was buried in the American Cemetery in Normandy .. Billie had been interred there the whole time.

Peggy Harris, who never remarried, visits Billie every year.

1 comment:

  1. Such a touching story, while we were there and upon our return on CBS.



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