Sunday, May 20, 2012

Saturday, April 28, London

On our last day in London, we had several places we wanted to visit so we opted for an all-day tube pass.

Our first stop was the Churchill War Room.  Jeff has been looking forward to visiting this museum since we started talking about this trip years ago.  The museum did not disappoint!

The museum entrance is undergoing renovations, so the current temporary entrance is unimpressive.

Located beneath the Treasury building, this warren of small rooms and hallways was the command center for the British government throughout World War II.  Here's Pa, Mom and Jeff outside the Cabinet War Room.

The War Room and the Churchill Museum are co-located; and while the war rooms remain as they were during World War II, the museum is high tech and very modern.  Here's Jeff in the museum.   

The museum houses so many of Churchill's personal possessions, as well as a comprehesive timeline of his life including the victories and the failures.  My World War II history buff was in heaven!! 

Here's a picutre of me standing in a hallway the was filled with concrete as a reinforcing method and then dug out to restore access to the rooms beyond.

Enroute to our next destination, we passed the Horse Guards Regiment. 

After spending a few hours at the War Room and on the advice of a docent at Windsor castle the previous day, we headed across town to the Tate Britain Museum.  This museum was hosting a Picasso exhibit and also houses numerous works of modern and classical art. 


1 comment:

  1. Handsome young soldier on a rather skittish pony. Rider better trained than his steed.

