Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Snow Patrol

Recently, we have had a few days, like today, when the weather is better. The sky is clear and although not warm, it's certainly warmer than it has been. When this happens, I am usually rewarded with a little extra outside time. Today, after I took care of my backyard ... ahem ... prerequisites, Mom left me in the yard for some quality playtime. I was able to maneuver my previously explored routes, plow through some of the new snowdrifts, and taste some of the new snow that was, heretofore, un-licked.

After about 15 minutes, I was covered ... face all white with snow, thick clumps matting my kilt and undercarriage, and apparently *she* was ready for me to come inside. Calling my name ... hands on hips, these are the signals that indicate Mom's about to get her way.

Today, however, *I* had another idea. I decided not to oblige ... not even when my beloved cheerios were proffered.

On the farside of a snowdrift, I waited to see how this test of wills would turn out ...

I can report ... Mother will cross the tallest snowdrift in the back yard to collect me ... a trip that is promptly followed by 10 minutes locked in the bathroom with the two of us and a hairdryer.

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