Saturday, January 30, 2010

Woot! Woot!

Mom is headed to Tucson to spend a week with Nana ... You see, Nana is the proud owner of a brand new, shiny hip. Mom says she's going to help Nana and Opa ... but I find it rather coincidental that Mummy is going to Tucson where the projected temperatures are in the 70's and the weatherman says we should be anticipating snow ...

So that means it'll just be Dad and me hanging together this week ... we'll be two wild and crazy guys!! So what can two bachelors do when left to their own devices?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I've always prided myself on my very helpful nature. As a member of the family I have to carry my own weight around here and do my part.

It's my job to keep the family safe. When the guy across the street warms up his truck, his taillights will shine through the sidelights at the front door. I will stand *between* Mom's ankles and growl. You know what I'm talking about ... the low, guttural growl that only an 18-pound, 10-inch tall fellow can muster. Never fear folks for *I* am on the job.

I am also quite helpful when it comes time to put on your shoes. Dad isn't the slip-on-shoe kind of guy. So each day when he puts on his shoes, I am Scottie on the Spot. Before he can get the second shoe, looped and tied, I have helped him untie the first one. I'm persistent, too, so we can do this over ... and over ... and over. My generosity isn't exclusve to Dad, I'll help Mom as well. It can take us more than a few minutes to get ready for our evening walks. Mummy, however, has developed a coping mechanism that involves a pair of slip on sneakers ... the spoilsport.

As I get older, I am certain that I will be entrusted with even *more* responsibility ...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Looky ...

Looky ... Looky ... Looky

This is my new bone. I got it for my birthday ... Let me tell you, this is waaaayyyy better than an IPOD.

I'm what you call a 'determined chewer'. Mom and Dad no longer give me soft toys or stuffed animals. Just give me your basic stuffed ball or animal ... and it's history in a matter of minutes.

Mom has had more than one conversation with the pet store folks about which toys are best for me. Often times, these conversations include an assertion that if I can damage this or that toy, she should return it.

Needless to say, Mom has taken more than a few things back ...

Today ... is a pretty big day

It's my birthday! I am one. I'll wait right here till you finish singing ...

Seeing as how this is my very first birthday ... apparently the wearing funny hats is a required activity. Like Humphrey Bogart ... I wear mine cocked off to one side ...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Snow Patrol

Recently, we have had a few days, like today, when the weather is better. The sky is clear and although not warm, it's certainly warmer than it has been. When this happens, I am usually rewarded with a little extra outside time. Today, after I took care of my backyard ... ahem ... prerequisites, Mom left me in the yard for some quality playtime. I was able to maneuver my previously explored routes, plow through some of the new snowdrifts, and taste some of the new snow that was, heretofore, un-licked.

After about 15 minutes, I was covered ... face all white with snow, thick clumps matting my kilt and undercarriage, and apparently *she* was ready for me to come inside. Calling my name ... hands on hips, these are the signals that indicate Mom's about to get her way.

Today, however, *I* had another idea. I decided not to oblige ... not even when my beloved cheerios were proffered.

On the farside of a snowdrift, I waited to see how this test of wills would turn out ...

I can report ... Mother will cross the tallest snowdrift in the back yard to collect me ... a trip that is promptly followed by 10 minutes locked in the bathroom with the two of us and a hairdryer.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just Brrrr

It snowed again yesterday ... 5 more inches. The guy on TV ... we have previously discussed my affinity for the tube .. says we are experiencing life threatening wind chill. Dad has entered into a long term relationship with the snow blower. And when the time comes that *I* have to go outside, I don't dawdle long.

I swear ... I feel like I'm living in a Snow Globe!
