Saturday, December 26, 2009

My White Christmas ...

In case anyone was in doubt ... those folks dreaming of a White Christmas ... got what they were looking for ... although I'm not sure this is what they had in mind ...

While I was inside opening my Christmas presents ... Dad was outside trying to keep ol' man winter at bay.

This is what a foot of snow looks like from my point of view ...
And this is what it means to Dad ...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Other Side of the Mountain

Two weeks ago, we got something like 10 inches of snow. Since my stats put me at about 7 inches at the shoulder, the snow was quite deep for wee ones such as me-self.

When one has to go outside, we have a bit of a problem. But my ever thoughtful Dad cleared a 10 foot by 10 foot patch in the back yard for just such purposes.

Here we are two weeks later and despite mother’s attempts at housekeeping, my clearing looks somewhat akin to the crash site of a South American Rugby team. Today, however, I made it over the crest of Snow Mountain and was able to take full advantage of the backyard for the first time in weeks. Never mind that with every step, I sank up to the shoulder … I wasn’t coming back in the house no matter how many Cheerios were proffered …

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Suh was robbed!

I learned on Saturday night the Ndomukong Suh did not win the Heisman Trophy ... so sad. Like Suh, I am a Blackshirt too ... although my blackshirt is interspersed with red ... making me more a Brindleshirt. Although Brindleshirt just doesn't roll off the tongue ...

Oh well ... Maybe I can throw him my bone ...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The Arctic weather has hit the Plains. The snow that fell at our place left drifts that dwarfed the reindeer in the front yard and have made for treacherous snow and ice crossing for wee laddies such as myself...

Yesterday, Mummy and I went outside to play. Dad got down to business .. the shoveling business! Our friends the Newmans, Eric, Melissa, EJ and Forsberg were doing the same. Here's EJ doing his part.

While it was playtime for Forsberg and I ...

Personally, I do rather enjoy nosing around in the snow ... you can tell by the shear number of icicles in me beard ...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ho Ho Ho Boy ...

'Tis the season for Santa, sleighs, and silver bells ... The local pet shop was offering photos of the jolly one. I'm certain that it comes as no surprise that mother made sure we were in line for this.

My first visit to St Nick called for a bath, a blow out, and three (!) yes ... three brushings. I donned a very nice plaid kerchief and off we went.

Upon our arrival, we were lucky to find just one family of labradors in front of us. The labs did not seem to enjoy their visit to Santa as the wee laddies were called up to join the family photo session.

I guess you could say that I am my mother's muse and as often as she takes my picture ... This should have been old hat for me ... should have been ...

I climbed into the jolly old elf's lap and despite my nerves struck a handsome pose.

As we were waiting for my photo to print, I was able to relax. It occurred to me that I was on my leash and I am usually expected to do my business whilst on my leash. Would today be any different? Imagine mummy's surprise to see me, right there in the store ...

Standing there, Mom sputtered, professed my house-broken-ness to all who would listen, and asked for a paper towel and a plastic bag ... Dad collected my portrait and a I got a treat from one of Santa's elves ...
