Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Did you ever have the feeling ...

That someone is not telling you everything?

These are the things that I know for sure. Last week, Mom and I went to the Vet. I’ve been to the Vet before, but this time it was different. I didn’t visit with Dr Donovan, just one of the Vet Techs. Most of the discussion went ~phew~ right over my head, but it sounds to me like we are planning my very first sleepover.

While away at ‘camp’ ... I’m going to lose my dewclaws. No biggie, I wasn’t really all that attached (heh-heh-heh) to my vestigial digits anyway. Next up … snack time. Mom and Dad talked about getting me my very own ‘chip’ … potato chips, chocolate chips, micro chips, whatever … they all sound pretty tasty to me. Finally, there is a lot of discussion about fixing me! I took inventory and all seems to be in working order. I just gotta ask, if nothing is broken, what’s going to get fixed?

But back to the business at hand, do you think I’ll need a sleeping bag?

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