Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lady and the Tramp

We are a family of movie watchers.  Recently, a pal of mine recommended a movie based on the canine content.  EJ Newman received a copy of Lady and the Tramp for Valentines Day and he is a huge fan of the Scottie in the movie, Jock.

Both Mummy and Daddy saw this movie when they were kids themselves and were more than happy to take this opportunity to see again.   Mom helped me add Lady and the Tramp to our Netflix queue and it landed in the mailbox a couple of days ago. 

Very shortly after the movie started we were introduced to Jock, a handsome laddie who speaks with a fine Scottish acccent (clearly, Dad's ear is so attuned to my own brogue, it's lost on him).

We three were so enthralled with the quality of the animation ... the artist who drew the cels for Jock spent some time studying a Scottish Terrier .. the way Jock walks, stands, and even carries his tail.  It's dead on!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Back in the saddle again ...

I took a sabbatical from blogging .. a break, writer's block, whatever.  But now back to our regularly scheduled program ...

February is one of my favorite times of the year; it's time for the annual Westminster dog show.  The whole fam gathers around the television, each one of us offering up our august opinions; opinions that are grounded in little more than a penchant for one dog over another.

Here I am watching the program ... offering feedback for one of the inferior breeds

Be the competitors hound, toy, non-sporting, herding, sporting, working ... blah, blah, blah.  The cherry on noight two is, of course, the terriers :)  While all my bretheren are indeed lovely ... let me be very clear ... the Scottie was robbed !
