Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Ritual of Office Dog

As many of you know, my Pops has a satellite office here in the basement of our house. When Dad's got a little extra work to do, instead of heading downtown, he can just steer himself downstairs.

He and I have an interesting ritual that takes place at the basement threshhold, and it usually involves Dad, me and a few cookies. I know when he opens the door, if I am to score the oaty goodness of my heart's desire, I need only take a strategically placed seat in the doorway. If I wait on the very top step, he can't close the door behind me. So begins the sea saw wherein he tries to coax me down the stairs, and I angle for as many treats as I can get.

When I think I've run out my string, I will bound enthusiastically down the stairs, collect my chew bones, and take up my favorite spot in the middle of the office floor for my well deserved nap.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mama and the Monkey

If she's making friends with this squirrel monkey ... it can only mean one thing. Mum is really starting to miss me.

Fear not ... I'll be right here at home ... waiting for you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's a trip to Mexico ...

... without a little time on the beach.

Here's Mom and Dad on Tulum Beach.

And a feathery friend on the craggy coral reef.

The surf.
