Monday, February 28, 2011

The Flora and the Fauna

The folks encountered more than a few furry friends while they were away.
The macaws are so beautiful, But you can't get a live one through customs, the craftsmen that create the ceramic Talavera folk art capture their beauty.

The ring tail lemurs are everywhere and you can encounter them anywhere. They have really imprinted on people and show absolutely no fear when approaching people. The picture was taken at night with a flash (hence the glowing eyes). They aren't nearly this frightening in real life, they are actually quite cute.

The Mexican Spiny Tail iguana are prevalent as well. This one is a male ... you can tell by the stripes on his back.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's a Great Day for a Birthday!

While in Mexico, Mom celebrated her birthday. She was made to feel quite special when the staff at the restaurant delivered a birthday cake complete with candles, a bottle of champagne, and 4 piece Mariachi band to serenade her.

The quartet sang three songs for her including a special love song and a lively rendition of Happy Birthday (with all of the restaurant patrons joining in to sing along).

Looking at this group, one could guess these blokes have posed for more than a few pictures.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Flaming Waterfall of Coffee

You start with a little coffee, add some Kahlua, a jigger of whiskey, and some fire. Add a little bit of fire and finish it off with a dollop of Chantilly cream.

You have yourself a pretty impressive after dinner treat

Friday, February 25, 2011

Viva Mexico

Mom and Dad found a Mexican festival in Dona Isabella that included a carnival and a mechanical bull. Neither fancy themselves the rodeo-in' type, so they were more interested in the entertainment.

The Mayan dance troupe performed a ritual Tun-Teleche dance. Mom was pretty excited to be photographed with a couple of the performers.

Next was a complement of traditional Mexican folk dancers. The costumes were beautiful.

A 10-piece mariachi band provided accompaniment.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

And Away We Go ...

I love me Mum and me Dad very much ... but occasionally I think it's best that they allow me some time with my friends. I booked myself a week at Chez Spellmeyer so I could hang out with Jenny and Piper.

The 'rents took advantage of the free time and stole away to Mexico for a week.

After an early start, a long day of travel, and an even longer ride to the hotel in Tulum, the first order of business, was a little sustenance. Here's Dad with a tasty Margarita and some of the best pico de gallo you ever ate.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mother Nature loves Nebraska. I know this because just when you think you can’t take another minute of the cold, blustery, snowy, drizzly, sleety weather, we get a few days where it warms up. For example, two weeks ago, Tuesday, it was 6 degrees and last Tuesday, it was 59 degrees.

These warm days are the promise of Spring yet to come. On a glorious sunny day, Mummy will afford me the luxury of talking our daily stroll, sans sweater (Doesn’t she realize I’m already rocking a fur coat .. but that’s a rant for another day!). When it’s balmy and beautiful like that, some of the neighborhood fauna will emerge from their winter dens to catch a few rays and warm their bones.

Including the neighborhood robin. While he’s no friend of mine, he’s no more endeared himself to Dad, what with the constant need to fend off other robins that are of perceived danger by dive bombing the windows. Silly robin is merely attacking his own reflection. In an effort to dissuade that darn bird from continually bombarding the house and making me very nervous in the process, Dad has installed these rather large, rather ominous looking owls.

As you can see, the deterrent factor is valueless as the robin isn’t the least bit afraid.

According to our next door neighbor, Eric Newman … what we need is a meaner looking owl.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How May I Help You?

We had a visitor come to the house this morning to do some minor home repairs.

After doing my bit as the official Scottish welcome wagon, mummy removed me from the situation so my new friend, Matt, could get down to the business at hand. In an effort to redirect some of my over-the-top energy, mum offered me a bit of kibble and whisked me away to the kitchen.

For a moment, she thought she had me, but you know, when at the precise moment she turned her back in order to fill up my dish, I wriggled out of my den and bolted up the stairs to see what I could do to offer my own brand of doggie help.

As it turns out, Matt was happy to greet me (again!) but hardly needed my advice, and he was quite able to complete the task without my input.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

*Yawn* ... *Stretch*

According to a recent study ... researchers have determined that sleeping with your cat or dog could present a health hazard.

Sure, I suppose, if one has pet allergies, that could be bad. The same holds true for an itchy dog. In my neck of the woods, it's not unheard of to have one's collar removed in the dark of night to stifle the bothersome jingling of tags.

We could also discuss how sleeping with your dog disrupts sleep patterns. This certainly isn't an issue for us, as I am happiest snoozing atop mom's pillows while she adapts to make sure I have plenty of room to assure my restful slumber. One can see she's only interested in my comfort.

After all, isn't it true that dogs will only sleep with people they trust ... so this is, in my estimation, a compliment.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Most Important Game of the Year

Today is a really big day; first, for Nana and Opa, they are celebrating their 28th anniversary.

As for the American sports fan, we'll witness the greatest spectable in our sports-obsessed culture. I know that I have been patiently waiting all year for this match up!! I can't help myself, I'm simply transfixed by the television!

The teams have been chosen, the fans are assembled, and we are ready to witness the most important game of the year. This year's contest pits two gridiron greats with storied histories and fanbases that are second to none. The analysts are calling for a close game; even the Las Vegas oddsmakers have set the line at 4 points ... a close contest, indeed.

And in just a few short hours ... we will know who will be anointed the victor ... It's time for Puppy Bowl VII.

Oh ... and apparently there was a football game too ...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is She Kidding??

I was outside this afternoon .. getting my fill of snowy fun.

Mother, the spoil-sport that she is, was trying to convince me to come inside. Really? Does she honestly think that my agenda and her schedule have anything to do with one another?
"Don't you want to come in" ... "I have to go" ... "Time for a treat"

Yeah ... I think you should try reasoning and logic .. that oughta convince me ...

Silly Rabbit.
