Thursday, May 27, 2010

I didn't know this was possible ...

As I was catching up on my evening snooze, right next to my Ma and Pa ... my diaphram began to contract. *I* have the hiccups. It happened with such force, I was able to make the bed quiver.

I'm told that drinking water from the wrong side of a glass will shorten the duration of hiccups. This is one of those times when thumbs would really come in handy ...

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Life Cycle of the Hapless Dandelion ...

Some folks think these are weeds ... whilst others consider them to be a lovely flower or a tasty salad.

Tonight as we were beginning our evening walk, we rounded the corner to the grammar school, and I encountered the coolest field of spent dandelions. There must have been THOUSANDS of them!

Mom gave me enough lead so that I could bound between the stands of dandelions, liberating the fluff from their individual stems. Every three or four jumps. I would stop and give myself a good old shake. I ended up with a white mask of dandelion seeds ... and then I spent the better part of the next hour trying to clear my sniffer ... Pffttt.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Just Another Service I Offer ... Nanny

EJ Newman came over for a few hours tonight while Eric and Melissa took a rare evening for themselves. Together, we played with EJ's race cars and then a couple of games of fetch. Just like a Boy Scout ... *I* am ever vigilant.

Have I mentioned that Blue's Clues is awesome?!?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

No Second Opinion Necessary...

It's that time of year ... time for my annual physical. So this evening, I went to see Dr Donovan. Everyone in her office is so nice, and she's always so happy to see me.

First, the Doc took my measurements, I'm up to 21 pounds. She listened to my heart, checked my ears and my eyes, I turned my head and coughed ... and then she pronounced me fit as a fiddle. She also said I was beautiful! ~ preen ~

I think I'll go with that diagnosis ... No second opinion necessary.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Batter Up ...

Hot dogs, sunscreen, and the perfect Spring day ... doesn't that sound like the BEST way to spend a Saturday afternoon? The Huskers are set to take on Texas A&M. So with thanks to our generous friends, Eric and Melissa Newman, Mom and Dad went to Haymarket Park to catch the game ... and I decided to stay home and catch up on my sleep.

Never far from the consciousness of my adoring public ... EJ had but one question for my Pop ... 'Where's Cluny?'
