Monday, March 29, 2010
Whaur Are Ye Gaun, My Bonnie Wee Lass?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Backyard Can Be a Very Scary Place ...
But my Garden of Eden has been infiltrated by some unwelcome guests ...
The Magpies have begun nesting in the Bar-B-Q and the crazy Robin is attacking the house. Lately, walking out on our deck is like a lesson in handling hazardous material. Unfortunately, it's through the back door and over the deck I must travel to get to the facilities ...
Once I have skulked my way out the door and down the stairs ... I have to contend with the flock of birds perched in the trees. I feel like I'm on the set of an Alfred Hitchcock movie ... I think they are all up there just waiting for me. It's not that I'm paranoid or anything but I do believe, for now, that it's in my best interest to get out, get done and get in ...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
One Thing Leads To Another ...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Great Scot

Today was a play date with Wilson ... Wilson is a baby Cairn that owns Mom's friend Rhonda. We had a whale of a time racing around the house, wrassling, and chewing on each other. At one point I was able to give my leetle friend a nudge and push him under the cedar chest. But Wilson was relentless and always came back for more.
Here we are after we'd been playing together for about an hour. By this time we were clearly tuckered out ... or else Mum wouldn't have been able to catch the both of us ...
As for tonight ... I'm just exhausted and I do believe it's time for my nap.Friday, March 5, 2010
Farewell .. Paradise
Friday, March 5
Unfortunately, today is the day we have to leave paradise.
When we flew into St Lucia, we arrived at the smaller airport in Castries. However, we are scheduled to depart from the larger airport in Hewanorra. But first, there is the small matter of a 2 hour bus trip across the island. The drive did allow us an opportunity to see more of the island.The island is very hilly; it has so many groves (or are they stands?) of banana trees you can't count them all. There are also acres and acres of tropical rainforest around each bend and corner, and then around the next curve you get a glimpse of the blue Caribbean sea.
What a wonderful trip ...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Caribbean Street Party
Thursday, March 4
Today the resort is hosting a street party. We were treated to a live band, dancers, food, and craft vendors.
As always ... we had some of the most amazing seafood.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Bore Da ...
Wednesday, March 3
Bore Da ... is Welsh for Good Morning ... Pnawnd Da means Good Afternoon, and as for Good Evening ... Noswaith
The lesson is Welsh is in honor of our wonderful new friends. We shared dinner with Bill and Kate on Monday and we made such a wonderful connection, we arranged to meet them for dinner tonight at Mario's. Where we were treated to a fantastic antipasto bar the featured so many wonderful treats.
When Jeff and I make our way to Europe .. we have to stop in Cardiff to see the Spence's.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
A Chocolate! Buffet
Tuesday, March 2
We took a trip into Castries today to do some shopping. We shared a ride with a really niced couple from South Hampton, England. We spent some time at the open air market, where we picked up some souvenirs. Jeff decided against the Cohibas.
We also went to the duty free shops. Here's a picture of our shopping companions ... John and Sara.
We had dinner at a wonderful French restaurant ... it was spectacular. A couple of firsts ... first time I ever ate in a 5-star restaurant, and Jeff's first escargot. I wanted to take pictures in the restaurant but thought better of it.
When we returned to the hotel after dinner ... the culinary staff was setting up .... a CHOCOLATE buffet. Need I say more ...
Monday, March 1, 2010
Dinner and a Show
Monday, March 1
This morning when we looked out into the horizon ... this enormous cruise ship was docked in Rodney Bay. We have become accustomed to seeing the smaller sailboats ,but the cruise ship was pretty imposing. If you notice the small dark boat to the rear (right) of the cruise ship, that's a small ferry boat bringing passengers onto shore.
We made reservation for dinner in a Teppanyaki Steak house.
Dinner and show !! We had the pleasure of sharing dinner with some very nice people. Bill and Kate Spence, our new Welsh friends. We had such a wonderful time getting to know them. We made arrangements to have dinner with them again on Wednesday night.