Sunday, February 28The most vibrantly beautiful bouganvillas are everywhere ... white, pink, purple, red, and orange ones ...
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Oh Canada ...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me
Saturday, February 27Can you think of any better way to spend your birthday? Sun, Fun and Birthday Cake!The island of St Lucia was created by volcanic activity. These rock formations surround the island. While there is still an active volcano on the island, the St Lucia volcano hasn't erupted since the 1700s.After spending the day lounging in the sun, we had dinner at the resort. Jeff had a piece of beef tenderloin that was as yummy as any piece of beef he's ever had in Nebraska. After dinner, we watched Mel Gibson's Edge of Darkness.
Friday, February 26, 2010
The Wedding March
Friday, February 26
Yesterday, we on the beach, quite close to all of the activities ... so today we decided to find a quiet spot by the pool. It's really a perfect locale ... a pool, a jacuzzi, and just a few steps from the ocean.
What we didn't bargain for was our proximity to Wedding Central. Just a stone's throw from where we are ... a lovely little mangrove tree is a popular spot for 'I Do's'. Today, we witnessed four weddings. I will say that we, along with our other pool companions, were woefully underdressed for the occasion. The highlight was the Calypso band that accompanied one couple.
We signed up for the set dinner at Jasmines. The seating for dinner is family style. We met some really great folks including a couple from Canada ... and now I know the Canadians are not to be confused with French Canadians.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Pirates of the Carribean
Thursday, February 25
We spent the day in a little spot right in between the pool and beach ... after yesterday's long day of travel, I wanted to do nothing more arduous than turn the pages of my book . The temperature during the day is about 88 degrees. The water is a glorious shade of blue. The smell of
the salt water is so refreshing.
The island nation of St Lucia was controlled by France or Britain for much of the preceding 300 years. However, in 1979, St Lucia gained it's Independence. The capital is Castries. We flew into the capital city last night ... although we didn't get to see very much last night since it was so late.
The Pirates of the Caribbean, Deadman's Chest movie was filmed in St Lucia. Today, the Black Pearl floated into the bay.
Our hotel is located on Rodney Bay ... it's a gentle inlet where winter visitors park their boats and spend the winter in the warm waters of the Caribbean. The bay is bordered by Fort Rodney and Pigeon Point.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Vacation ... All I ever Wanted ...
I decided to peek into Mom's diary to see what they have been up to ...
It's been a really long day. We are finally in St Lucia ... butWednesday, February 24:
it was no easy feat getting here.
Our flight was scheduled to depart at 5:30 in the morning so
we spent last night in Kansas City. We arrived at the airport at
4:30, only to find out that weather in Atlanta forced cancellation of the first
leg of our trip. At first turn, we thought we might have to wait till
Thursday to fly out, but the ticket agent was able to work a little magic and
get us on a different route that would eventually get us to St Lucia.
Our original flight plan had us travelling through Atlanta and then on
to St Lucia. Our new flight plan, had us travelling to Charlotte, NC, to
San Juan Puerto Rico, and then to St Lucia. This trip involved three
airplanes, three airlines, and 20 hours of travel.
We finally made it ... it's 11:00 o'clock but we are thrilled to be
The resort, what we have seen of it, looks fabulous. The weather
is warm. And we can't wait to lie on beach tomorrow!!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
My Sister at Westminster ....

Perhaps I could've been a contender ... but I am afeared, I could not seal the deal.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
This is a One Scottie Town
Saturday, February 13, 2010
She Shall Be Shunned
Dad and I spent the week together ... just two happy bachelors. Dad is more of a 'hands off' custodian. I was expected to walk down the deck steps and eat my meals without constant and intense supervision. Never one to disappoint, I satisfied all Dad's expectations.
It has not escaped me the that Mummy left me for an entire week, so I thought it best to show her exactly who is in charge around here ... it became necessary to shun her. I come when called ... as long as there is something in it for me. Have I mentioned how much I like Cheerios?? Then last night after we settled in for the evening, rather than snuggle with her as is our custom, I turned my back on her and stretched out at the foot of the bed.
Despite numerous treats and countless hugs, I will warm up to her when I'm good and ready ...