Monday, August 31, 2009

Adventures in Babysitting

So apparently the folks decided that it was time for a date night ...

On Friday and Saturday, Mom and Dad went to the volleyball tournament in Omaha with Miss Deb and Mr Ken, whilst *I* stayed home with my first babysitter. Yep ... a nice relaxing evening spent stretched out in in my house. And we even had a few treats ... because *I* am a really good boy ...

Once home from Omaha, Mom came to collect me about midnight and I took this opportunity to take my final ... shall we say ... constitutional of the day ... right there in Elsberry's front yard. So Mom drops me, my house, my leash, and my treats off at home and heads back out to clean up after me. There she is, in the dark of night, skulking around in the neighbor's yard armed with a flashlight and a baggie. Good thing there wasn't a cop around ... that surely would have been an interesting explanation.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Distance Does *Not* Always Lend Enchantment

I guess you can say that some people like being the object of my affection and some people don't ...

Monday, August 17, 2009


Better known as Mommy's Animal Stuffing Hospital ...

Since it's the middle of the month, it must be time to triage my favorite toys. Previously, I have riffed on the perils that befall my fluffier friends, thus Mummy performs routine inspections and offers first aid to those in need. Always willing to do my part, I was there to supervise the entire ... ahem ... operation.

Eyes, ears, squeakers, and tags are generally the first things to go, and this time was no different. On Saturday, the blue gator lost his right eye and a nostril. After a few sutures and some of my constructuve criticism, he was good as new ...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How do I Look?

I'm back from the barber, and I am as clean and bright as a shiny new penny. My groomer, Kerry, was able to do something to improve the appearance of the poodle-y puff on my left leg (resulting from my recent surgery).

I look Mah-vel-ous!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Mac!

My brother from another mother ...

Mac lives in San Diego, and he keeps an eye on Aunty Ro and Uncle Mo when his own family goes out of town.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Un-Stitch in Time ...

I got my itchy ole' stitches out yesterday. It took two vet techs and Mom to keep me still enough to remove them. I guess you could say I was a little wiggly ...

And after 10 days , I was *finally* able to take the folks out for a walk last night. I have to say they certainly are better behaved after they have burned off some of that excess energy with a spin around the block!

P.S. The vet says I weight more than 15 lbs now.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happiness is a New Hoof ...

* Warning -- Hoof PSA*
Saturday was new hoof day! You'll never know the true meaning of ambrosia until you have experienced a new hoof. I like to chew and a new hoof is right up my alley. It also helps keep my teeth shiny and bright.

One can pick up this tasty treat at the corner Pets Mart ... it's marketed as 'Beef Part' but when you see it ... there's no denying that it's the beef part that the cow stands on. And although the aroma might leave something to be desired from the bi-peds, *I* am a happy puppy!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ice Ice Baby

We all have expectations. Mine come ready-made from the freezer.

On warm days, there's nothing better than a cool ice cube to make a wee lad happy. I love this delicacy so much, I never miss the opportunity to treat myself. Every time the freezer door is opened, I present myself and, as if like magic, my favorite refreshment is proffered.

Dad and I repeated the behavior just a few more times ... and *voila* ... Pavlov's Pop.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hi Honey, I'm Home

I got home from Camp Sniffles on Friday. Mom and Dad picked me up bright and early. *I* was led to believe I was going to a pajama party at Dr Donovan's ... and although I can't say for sure, I'm certain we weren't making 'smores whilst I was alseep.

Mum and Dad weren't entirely truthful with me about the sleepover, so I felt it was only fair to shun the 'rents when they came to get me. That didn't last long as there is much to be said for being on your own turf and sleeping in your own bed!

Bonus! I had a new toy waiting to greet me when I got home (Thanks, Rhonda!). My night away from home failed to stem my appetite for stuffing ... With only one eye now, Elephant can say good-bye to depth perception.
