Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Growing Boy ...

I had my 4 month check up today. 10.6 lbs ... that's almost double the size I was when I got here two months ago.

I'm starting to get my adult teeth. These new teeth are a welcome addition, since I have the ... sharpest baby teeth ... ever. Dad says with the new teeth, nestled among my baby teeth, make me look a bit like Audrey from 'Little Shop of Horrors'. I think that with all those band-aids on his fingers from the puppy nips, Dad resembles Seymour ... just a little.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cluny the Gardener

Dad is very proud of his backyard. I am very happy to assist with the gardening tasks.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Dad taught me fetch. I'm an excellent student of the game. I can 'fetch', 'fetch', 'fetch'. I'm just not as talented at the 'drop'

Monday, May 4, 2009

Spring has Sprung

This is my neighbor EJ. He and his mom, Melissa, came by for a visit. We had a great time in the back yard.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cluny's First Haircut

Today I got my first Big Boy haircut ...
Sheryl's daughter Gretchen is helping me put my best foot forward.
