Sunday, April 22, 2012

Land Ho !

Mom and Dad are building a new house ... so we took a field trip this afternoon.  We wanted a picture before the heavy construction gets started.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Driving Mr Cluny ...

In this forum, we have previously discussed Pop's shoulder injury.  As a result of the surgery, the old man is on some pretty powerful pain medication.  For all it's benefits, the meds have an interesting side effect .. vivid and intense dream cycles.

There was the incident where Dad dreamed he was 'locked up abroad' and then he dreamt an episode of Man Men and he was Don Draper; but by far the most detailed dream involved Dad driving the bed with a remote control through rush hour traffic in Denver, Mom riding beside him and wearing a motorcycle helmet (because what else would one wear whilst riding shotgun on the bed) and me in the back, snoozing away in a car seat.

Kinda like this ...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dog Party

I am having a few friends in for the week.  Piper is a dachshund; Turbo is a Welsh Corgi; and Jenny is also a dachshund.  Turbo is my cut buddy, but she also 

Admittedly, I'm not all that interested in my toys, at least and until, someone else has designs on my stuff.  And then it's all I can think about ...

Monday, April 9, 2012

I am her muse ...

Mom and I were getting ready for Easter and we wanted to make a special treat.  This is what we came up with ... Sugar Cookies!  And a little bit about how we split up the prep work.

Mom rolled out the dough,

Mom cut out the cookies,

Mom baked the cookies,

and Mom decorated the cookies ....

and as for me, I, provided the inspiration...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

May I Introduce ...

Her Scoutness.  Or as I like to call her .. third in line to the family fortune.

I've yet to meet this fine young lady but I hear that she is quite fetching.  As her mum likes to tell it .. she excels at napping.

She entered the fam in spectacular fashion and seems to have Jeff and Mollie wrapped around her tiny paw.  It's almost as if she was taking lessons from the *ahem* master. 
